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uci bill

Professional Singer

Songwriter-Recording Artist -Vocal Coach

A Professional Singer for your Special Event


+41 79 767 01 23


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NEW RELEASE November 2022

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Single ke 6 dan merupakan Single terbaru dari Uci Bill yang berjudul “Seng Penting Payu” di pengunjung tahun 2022.

Judul lagu : Seng Penting Payu

Artis : Uci Bill

Genre : Reggae Dangdut

Composer : Yanda Bebeh


Dalam Single yang berjudul "Seng Penting Payu", Uci Bill menyampaikan pesan untuk para Wanita lewat lagunya dengan lirik Jawa yang bergenre Reggae Dangdut.

Lagu yang dikemas secara apik, lirik yang menggemaskan, suara yang indah & feeling (All in one) dijadikan satu oleh Uci Bill menjadi sebuah Produk Lagu.


Dalam Lagu "Seng Penting Payu", Uci Bill bekerja sama dengan Musisi muda berbakat anak bangsa (Yanda Bebeh).

Uci Bill belajar banyak dari generasi muda jaman now tentang perkembangan industri Musik-musik di Indonesia di jaman yang modern ini.

"Sebagai Penyanyi & Vocal Coach, saya harus memperhatikan Perkembangan Musik yang ada di Indonesia. Dan dari hari ke hari saya belajar untuk bisa mengikuti perkembangan jaman, perkembangan Musik, perkembangan teknologi.

Buat saya, Berkarya tidak memandang umur. Saya mencintai karir & pekerjaan saya. Kita semua bisa berkarya di bidang kita masing-masing.

Dan saya tidak malu untuk belajar dan bertanya dari anak jaman now tentang pekembangan Musik di Indonesia" , ungkap Uci Bill.


Uci Bill berharap Lagu "Seng Penting Payu" bisa menghibur masyarakat Indonesia, pendengar & pencinta Musik Indonesia.




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My name is Uci Bill

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BORN to perform
My Journey to the Stage

There are many ways to describe Uci Bill, but unique, talented, and charismatic just seem to scratch the surface.

However, there is one word that ties them all together and is true to their character: Uci Bill is Real.

Uci Bill was born to perform. I am a singer who knows how to bring the energy and enthusiasm to make every performance unforgettable. Whether you’re looking for someone to add that special touch to your wedding, or want to turn up the heat at your next corporate event, I’ve got you covered.


UCI Bill is a singer, born to perform. With a passion that started at an early age, she has been singing to big crowds since she was a kid. Every performance is a chance to showcase her range, creativity, and personality. You can feel the energy that comes from her when she sings and witness her love for music.

Her unique sound and style have kept her fans coming back, night after night. UCI Bill is the perfect addition to any event or gathering.



Contact me today to see how I can light up your next gathering.

Take a look around the site, and explore what the gift of music truly is.


Music represents your Soul, your Heart & your Feelings

by Uci Bill


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Bahasa Indonesia


Musik dan berkarya

Panggung itu bernama Perjuangan dan kerja keras

(Uci Bill )


Biografi Singkat


Uci Bill adalah seorang Penyanyi, Penulis Lagu, Artis rekaman, Guru Vocal/Bernyanyi.

Uci Bill kelahiran Indonesia dan tinggal menetap di Swiss.


Uci Bill adalah Penyanyi Profesional dengan banyak pengalaman Panggung - Lebih dari 500 panggung.

Panggung-panggung besar sudah Uci Bill rasakan. Pengalaman-pengalaman berharga sudah Uci Bill dapati.


Walaupun demikian sebagai Profesional Singer & mempunyai segudang prestasi, Uci Bill tidak pernah membedakan Panggung Besar atau Panggung Kecil, Penonton banyak atau penonton sedikit.Uci Bill selalu tampil Maximal & Profesional.


Di penghujung 1990-an, di bawah Manajemen Artis/Penyanyi Nomor Satu Anton Indra Cahya, Uci Bill & beberapa Penyanyi ternama Indonesia menggelar konser rock di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Beberapa nama penyanyi terkenal yang bergabung & terlibat dalam Konser Rock antara lain: Anggun C. Sasmi, Inka Chistie, Minel, Yenny Eria dan,  masih banyak lagi.


Uci Bill  tampil di berbagai Acara menyanyi di  TV Nasional Indonesia TVRI  & Radio Nasional Indonesia RRI.


Karier Solo & kesuksesannya membawanya ke beberapa negara. 


Bersama artis-artis ternama & rombongan Lawak legendaris Srimulat, Uci Bill ke Negara Jepang (di undang Duta Besar Indonesia yang bertugas Jepang) untuk menghibur Masyarakat Indonesia yang berada di Jepang.


Dan banyak lagi panggung-panggung besar yang sudah Uci Bill rasakan.


Menjalani Sekolah Vocal, Panggung, Seni & Budaya dan mendapatkan guru-guru ternama di jamannya : Bill Saragih (salah seorang maestro Musik Jazz Indonesia), Titik Kadarsih (seorang peragawati, penari, penyanyi dan pemeran film Indonesia) dan beberapa nama-nama Guru Senior Ternama lainnya.​


Acara & panggung besar di Swiss sudah dirasakannya. Beberapa perusahaan besar, Hotel berbintang beberapa kali bekerjasama  diantaranya : Omega, ABB, Hotel Marriot, SriLanka Airlines dan masih banyak lagi.


Tampil di TV Swiss SRF dalam acara Musik.

Tahun 2005, bekerja sama dengan DJ Toxic dan melakukan show besar di Zurich Fest Zurich Bahnhof.

Tampil di acara Montreux Jazz Festival Geneva.​




Bernyanyi itu Seni dan milik semua orang

- Uci Bill -








Uci Bill is an Indonesian Singer, Songwriter, Recording artist, Vocal coach. And she`s living now in Switzerland.

Born and raised comes from the Family as an artist and musician in Jakarta-Indonesia.


Uci Bill has always been musically gifted. 

From a young age, she was Singing, performing in various singing competitions on TV & Radio shows.


Uci Bill is a Profesional Singer with a lot of Stage experience - Over 500 Stages


In the late 1990s, under the Number One Artist/Singer Management of Anton Indra Cahya, Uci Bill & several well-known Indonesian Singers held rock concerts in various regions in Indonesia.
Some of the names of famous singers who joined & were involved in the Rock Concert included: Anggun C. Sasmi, Inka Chistie, Minel, Yenny Eria and,  many more.


Attended Vocal, Stage, Arts & Culture School and got famous teachers of her era: Bill Saragih (one of the maestro of Indonesian Jazz Music), Titik Kadarsih (an Indonesian model, dancer, singer, and film actor), and several names of other famous Senior Teachers 


Uci Bill was singing, performing on various singing program on Indonesian National TV-TVRI and Indonesian National Radio RRI.

Uci Bill was singing, performing in various singing competitions in TV & Radio shows.

Her solo career brought her to several countries


Was Performing on Swiss TV-SRF in the Music program.

In 2005, was performed with DJ Toxic and did a big show at Zurich Fest Zurich Bahnhof.

Performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival Geneva.


She has been there, working with big names, Big events & Big Stages. Several Big & famous companies, star hotels have collaborated several times like Omega, ABB, Marriot Hotels, SriLanka Airlines, and many more.


Music is her Universal Languange.

Making the Peoples/audience happy is the main Goal.


Uci Bill sings so honestly from her heart and soul.  

Uci Bill does so in just the right way, combining art, story, and song in perfect unison.


Throughout her musical career, Uci Bill has won over the hearts of music lovers.

Get in Touch


Uci Bill

A Professional Singer for your Special Event





+41 79 767 01 23

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© 2023 by Uci Bill Profesional Singer & Vocal Coach

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